The Nuremberg Race Laws

In 1933 the powerful Adolph Hitler rose to power with his scapegoat
approach toward the Jews of Germany to create his ideal society, for
then he gained many followers who were “with" getting Germany back on track after the country’s terrible loss in WW1. His brilliant idea: to create vicious laws against Jews excluding them from everyday life in Germany. This not only brought Jewish
people down mentally but literally.

For this case, these laws had risen to the fact that Hitler is someone power in the time period. For this the trials had begun because Jews that known that Hiter is wrong to create such laws againt a religion, not a race. The argument here is that they were cruel to specific people because a certain did not like these people. He had tried everything to destroy them. In this website you will get to the see the destruction, the cruelity, the sadness that has come to the Jews. There is no peace here and it's hard to get away from this. You will understand the matter what Hitler has done what he has done, but see also they it is wrong. You will also see how these peopel who treated, identified, and lived. Yes, he had followers, but someone should hadve stepped up and taken better action that he had done. Also you will see how all the countries unite to take action on these laws, then create a night of broken glass, known also as Kristallnacht.

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